Positions Vacant

28 Jan 2017 by Suse Moen

Girl Guides is a volunteer organisation. Leaders are volunteers, and we are not able to run the unit without your help.

Our Mission: to enable girls and young women to grow into confident, self respecting, responsible community members.

While we need casual ongoing help, we do also have formal roles too:

- District Manager: “Possum” (Bec Carlier)
- Senior Guide Leaders:
(1) “Ruby” (Rachael Hatton)
- Girl Guide Leaders:
(1) “Bilby” (Emily Ogden)
(2) “Joey” (Suse Moen)
- Junior Guide Leaders
(1) “Violet” (Emily Sykes)
(2) “Luna” (Beth Farmer-Edwards)
- Parent Support Group
PSG President: VACANT*
PSG Secretary: VACANT*
PSG Treasurer: VACANT*
PSG Fundraising: VACANT

Cherie Beckers has done all three roles for 3 years but her term is up
- Hall Manager (maintenance): VACANT
- Hall Bookings: VACANT Things like hall maintenance and fundraising are great jobs that any parent or grandparent or friend/relative could assist with.

We earn income to assist with the costs of running a hall by our hall hirers such as Gymbaroo, Bonsai, and Girl Guides for training weekends. The appeal of the hall to hirers depends on its upkeep, and that is something we’d love help with. If you notice something that needs doing, please let us know (we’re so busy wrangling girls, we don’t always notice).

Warners Bay Girl Guides are in need of the following VOLUNTEER helpers:


The support group do a number of helpful things like working bees, property maintenance, etc. Official positions are renewed at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) in March, and includes President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Even if you don’t want an official position, help is always appreciated. Support group members do not need to be female, dads and grandfathers are most welcome.

You will need to get a volunteer Working With Children check and police check.

See http://www.girlguides-nswact.org.au/GG/about_guides/introducing_girl_guides/guiding_for_adults/GG/about_guides/guiding_for_adults.aspx?hkey=20c98ec7-d147-45ca-8d07-7c5f7c3e5c1b

And http://www.girlguides.org.au/get-involved/as-a-volunteer.html – check out some of the other information online.


At the moment there is no unit treasurer for the Girl Guides (10-14yrs) and Junior Guides (6-10yrs) units, and leaders need to do the banking and receipting. It is a task that the leaders would REALLY love to be helped with. There is a spreadsheet set up by Guides NSW to be maintained as well and we’d love a treasurer who wanted to do that part too, but just help with the banking would be great.


Junior Guides used to be called “Brownies” and are the 7-10 year old age group (though we take girls from age 6 in our unit as we do not have a Pre Junior Guide or “PJ” unit at Warners Bay).

Girl Guides is 10-14 years and Senior Guides is 14-18 years.

We are in need of at least one leader in any of these units (others are happy to move around), and warmly welcome anyone who would like to help out as a unit helper rather than a qualified leader.

NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY. You do not need to know anything about Girl Guides – I didn’t when I started! Training is provided.

Perhaps you know a young person studying in education who would benefit from some experience as a leader, or a friend or relative who might be interested in helping out, a grandmother perhaps? They need not be a parent of girls. All help is gratefully appreciated.

It is a very rewarding contribution to make for girls!


4 Lamington Drive, Mt Hutton NSW 2290

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