How can you help?

12 May 2023 by Suse Moen

Girl Guides is a volunteer organisation, and much of what we do is about service activities. In fact, the promise that every Girl Guide makes includes the phrase “To serve my community and Australia”! Girls learn from seeing, and seeing their family helping out teaches them to help others too.


- Can you think of any fundraising ideas? Can you talk to other parents about running it? Leaders are busy making fun and meaningful programs for girls, and our time is already volunteered to be with your girls. Fundraising can be for hall maintenance or to reduce the cost of camps for example. Leaders are happy to help, but it really is a parent task to run fundraising!

- Do you have a useful skill? Could you teach a specific craft or skill to the girls or have contacts? Can you organise a working bee around the hall and fix things up a bit?

- Do you have any ideas for improvements?

- Can you help cleanup on a Monday night? Especially if we are running late! Some activities take longer and make more mess than others.

- Did I mention fundraising? It really is the biggest thing that we need help with!

Feel free to contact your leader or our District Manager on

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