CHANGE OF DATE now 4th November, not 14th October.
Lots of help required for our Trash And Treasure stall in conjunction with Scouts and neighbours in the street…
What you can do to help:
- have a clean out at home and bring good quality second hand goods to sell as a donation – school holidays might be a good opportunity to get kids to clean out their rooms and get rid of old things
- can you make anything for sale? Perhaps girls could make friendship bracelets or bookmarks or some other simple craft item for sale? We may have some materials in our hall that could be used like the big box of beads for example. Another school holiday activity? Or you could plant seeds now in egg cartons to sell seedlings, or take cuttings from your garden? Maybe you can bake and freeze? Or make jam/preserves? Or enlist grandparents to help?
- we will be providing flyers and an electronic flyer – please share these to spread the word
- “Trash” is currently stored at the hall in a store room. Perhaps you could help with sorting “trash” and putting price stickers
- hall cleanup – there are lots of maintenance jobs which would help us look more presentable in the hall and the yard.
- perhaps you could help with organizing to free up leaders to concentrate on fun programs for our girls?
- doing the grocery shop prior to the sale for sausage sizzle ingredients
- setting up signs and tables before
- on the day parents and/or girls will be needed even if just for an hour, to help with selling and operating the BBQ for the sausage sizzle – girls must wear uniform
- we welcome other ideas and help!
4 Lamington Drive, Mt Hutton
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